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Effective Leadership


Effective leadership (which the No Kill Advocacy Center refers to as "A Compassionate Director") is the most important component of the No Kill Equation. Without it, the other components will not work well. On the other hand, an effective leader will ensure that everything needed to save lives is in place and functioning. Effective shelter leaders get results without excuses and are never satisfied with outcomes that are less than exemplary.

There are a total of twenty two core leadership competencies required to effectively run an animal shelter. Unfortunately, many boards and municipal administrators select leaders using the wrong criteria. They, in effect, end up putting people in roles for which they are poorly suited.

Fortunately, we now know exactly what effective leadership in animal shelters looks like, what it actually is and how to identify and develop it. For some insights into shelter leadership, watch the webinar (left) by Mike Fry.



There are currently hundreds of communities across the USA whose shelters have stopped killing healthy or treatable pets. The shelters in your community can do that, too. If your community is not already No Kill, your shelters need to hear from you and your friends.... please get involved to save lives.

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